
Dyersdale is an Unincorporated community in Harris County, Texas, United States. The city was founded in 1905. The population was 4,547 at the 2010 census. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.54 square miles, or 1.52 square kilometers. Residents live in houses that range from modest to large. Its most prominent landmark is the Dyersdale Tower. The town is located at the intersection of Highway 71 and Highway 285.

Residents of Dyersdale are mostly Mexican, with the average of 8.4% having African roots or Sub-Saharan ancestry. Twenty-five percent of residents were born in another country. The city has an average of 4.98 inches of rain each month. The relative humidity is about 75%. The average temperature in December is 64 degrees Fahrenheit. A weather forecast for the city is also available. Residents can view current weather conditions and travel time from the town’s official website.

The median real estate price in Dyersdale is $143,266. This is cheaper than 77.9% of other neighborhoods in Texas and 81.8% of all U.S. neighborhoods. Rents in Dyersdale are lower than in 88.7% of other communities in Texas. In addition, Dyersdale is home to many people who make their living through a combination of rental income and ownership. The vacancy rate in Dyersdale is lower than the national average of 52.7%, but is still in the middle range.

When looking for flights from Dyersdale, TX, it is helpful to know the cities nearby. These cities are within a twenty-mile radius of Dyersdale. The airport in Fall Creek, texas is the closest. If you have a larger city in mind, you may want to search for flights to cities that are four to six hours away. It may be a better idea to stay in a small city near the airport to get a feel for the area.

Dyersdale, Texas is a rural area located six miles northeast of Houston in Harris County. The town was named for a colonist, Clement C. Dyer. In the early twentieth century, it had a post office, a lumber business, and a school named for him. The area had an oilfield in the mid-thirties and an abandoned railroad station by the 1980s. In addition, there were scattered dwellings and a church in the town.