Central Southwest

Central Southwest in Houston Texas

There are many reasons to live in Central Southwest, Houston. Residents can take advantage of convenient amenities like shopping centers, health care facilities, and schools. In addition, residents have easy access to major highways, making traveling to Houston and its surrounding suburbs easy. This Houston neighborhood also has plenty of dining options. Central Southwest residents can grab a morning cup of coffee from Dandelion CafĂ©, or indulge in weekend brunch at McDonald’s or SUBWAY. Residents can also stop at Shipley’s Donuts for dessert. In addition to fast food restaurants, residents can also enjoy delicious desserts at Shipley’s Donuts and Cue’s Burgers & More. Daily Seafood, Annie’s Burgers, and many more are also popular choices for dine-in experiences.

Those looking for an outdoor recreational space can check out Cloverland Park. This community park has numerous walking and equestrian trails, as well as kayaking and biking trails. Those looking for a family-friendly park are in luck, as it is open year-round. Families will enjoy the outdoor recreational activities at Cloverland Park, and a visit here is bound to be a memorable experience. Whether it’s a family outing or a weekend activity, this Houston area has something for everyone.

The neighbors in Central Southwest have varied incomes and occupations. For example, a majority of Central Southwest residents are middle or upper-class, which is higher than the average income in the United States. However, a small percentage of children in the area are below the federal poverty line, putting the neighborhood’s poverty rate higher than 52.8% of all U.S. neighborhoods. Occupations determine the character of neighbors, and collective occupations determine a neighborhood’s culture.

The ethnicity of the people in Central Southwest is highly diverse. While most residents are English-speaking, many have Arabic or Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Furthermore, 25.5% of the residents of Central Southwest were born outside the United States. These statistics show that the diversity of the neighborhood is not just reflected in racial makeup, but also in the level of education and socioeconomic status. If you are looking for a new home in Central Southwest, the neighborhood may be a great choice.

One of the best ways to find a home in this area is to use Niche.com to compare schools in different areas. If you are a parent, look for an area where schools are consistently high. For example, a neighborhood with great elementary schools may have an unimpressive middle school or high school. However, you should be able to find similar quality ratings for schools nearby. This will ensure that your children will be happy.