The real estate market in Greater Inwood is a mixture of large and medium-sized homes and apartment complexes. This area is owner-occupied, with about 85% of the land occupied by single-family residences. The rest is made up of industrial land, concentrated along Bingle Road and Houston Rosslyn. As a result, Greater Inwood is an excellent choice for those looking for a new home in the heart of Houston.
When selecting a neighborhood, consider the amenities available in the area. You might want a home near a daycare center. For example, the area around Rosa’s School and the Toddler House is home to numerous daycare facilities. Also, proximity to medical facilities can be a plus. Nearby urgent care facilities are also available. You can easily find a doctor if you’re concerned about your children’s health or are not sure about the quality of your neighborhood’s public schools.
There are plenty of dining options in Greater Inwood, including many cafes and restaurants. Shipley Do-Nuts is a great place to start your day, and you can grab brunch at the Karbach Brewing Co. The neighborhood is also home to Denny’s and Chick-fil-A. And if you’re looking for a place to have dessert, there are several excellent choices in the area. Leonard’s Famous Burgers is another great option for dine-in dining.
While the price of a home in Greater Inwood is lower than the average for Houston homes, it’s still a good option if you’re looking for a house in a higher-end neighborhood. In addition to being more affordable than the Houston median, Greater Inwood homes typically sell more quickly. You can find affordable housing in the southwest region, as well. The median house price in Greater Inwood is $213K, which is about 7% lower than the US average.